Wavenet Launches A Revolutionary Containerized Application Orchestration Platform for CSPs – ahasa®

 Global Wavenet (www.globalwavenet.com) today announced the launch of a revolutionary containerized application orchestration platform named “ahasa”. Using the Ahasa platform, enterprises can design, integrate and deploy containerized applications, in their choice of either a Public Cloud such AWS, or a Private Cloud such as VMware. The platform will change the way mobile Operators, communication service […]

The Art of Monetising Tech Investments on Cloud

There are several key elements that clients need to investigate when it comes to investing in the purchase of products or services in the technological B2B segment.. These decisions may need to be considered from a quadrant of discovery, design, deployment, and right through to monitoring stages. The power for Low-Code No-Code Not every stakeholder […]

How to Select the Right Tools to Maximise Your Cloud Strategy

Digital Transformation’ and ‘Cloud Strategy’ have become common discussion topics for most companies and leaders in the tech fields in recent years. Especially in Government, Banking and Telecommunication sectors, it seems an unimaginable task to fully transition into digital. Even though most companies have initiated digital transformation processes at different levels of the organisation, only […]

Webinar – Wavenet Launches ‘ahasa’

Global Wavenet is excited to launch our new Cloud-based platform that will change the way how CSPs and enterprises consume software online! Introducing…  ahasa® is a Cloud-based platform that allows the integration and operation of containerized applications  The ahasa Cloud platform offers telecommunication and mobile Operators, the capability to reinvent how technological solutions are created, effortlessly, with a stylish, low-code, drag & drop digital […]