Wavenet Product Release Update: Wavenet Prime 9.5

Product Wavenet’s Prime Messaging Solution Release Version       9.5 Functions & Features: The following features have been added to the new release of Prime 9.5: – Erlang upgrade (Version 21) – Dockerisation of Prime Sig Module/ UMB /Routing Engine /MO and MT module – Tracing tool – Update to Prime UMB http interface – […]

White Paper – Delivering Superior IVR Experiences in Telecommunications

How to Deliver Superior IVR Customer Experiences in Telecommunications In this paper, Kalyan Achyutuni, CIO of Smart Axiata, and Suren Pinto, Global Wavenet CEO, discusses how telco organisations can deliver advanced IVR solutions through innovation and IVR value drivers, and how telco organisations can combine best practices with strong technology integration to impact operations and optimize investments in IVR […]